A big “THANK YOU” to the Landsberg theater!
I have used the quiet time during the Corona crisis to improve my website. I wanted to make changes a long time ago and now was the right time for new photos. The main question for me was choosing the right location. I have always been a big fan of the Landsberg theater and to be able to do the photoshooting there was a big dream of mine. So I asked them and they gave me their support and allowance to shoot my new photos at the Landsberg theater.
I want to send a big thank you to the Landsberg theater that they offered me in this difficult time their amazing stage for my new photos – especially to Florian Werner (Art Manager Landsberg am Lech theater).
Besonderen Dank möchte ich auch an Herrn Florian Werner (Künstlerische Leitung Stadttheater Landsberg am Lech) aussprechen.